If the disciples’ heads weren’t spinning literally, they certainly were, figuratively. Each time Jesus spent time with them after his Resurrection, their experience of his alive-again-from-the-tomb presence was dizzyingly surreal.…
Unlike any Rabbi they’d ever heard of, Jesus seemed so much like one of the guys. Yes, he wielded astonishing power and authority, did miracles, and scared them witless sometimes,…
Maybe one of the most spectacular aspects of God’s holiness, His total Otherness, is that He interacts with us in such vast extremes, at once the God of the Angel-Armies,…
Adam’s sin fractured his glory, tearing apart his unbroken, intimate, Garden of Eden relationship with God.  It was an instantaneous, tragic reversal. God was, for the first time, seen by Adam…
We’ve just celebrated Christ’s coming and his birth during Advent and Christmas. It’s a striking point of interest that none of his disciples held any such observance and were most…
1 Chronicles 29:10-15 “O Lord, the God of our ancestor Israel,[i] may you be praised forever and ever! 11 Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the…
New life was a recurring theme of Jesus’ ministry, the life springing up because of his death. Old life was that of fallen humanity, of those weighed down by their…

Oozers of Love

December 18, 2022
What are perfectly clear wisdom paths, to God, are deepest, convoluted mysteries to us. With every revelation of His plan, we are stymied. With every individual’s inclusion in His plan…

Oozers of Joy

December 11, 2022
All the characters playing a role in the birth of Jesus massively were jolted by Divinity’s near presence. As the Kingdom pressed nearer, the frequency and intensity of these encounters…