And the beat goes on

And the beat goes on

Here in Cincinnati, we are still celebrating the 50th anniversary of our Vineyard movement. It’s been moving to hear the stories of our beginnings, the people who invested their all in this new stirring of the Holy Spirit, the new songs that gripped hearts and...
That’s Worth Celebrating!

That’s Worth Celebrating!

A Golden Anniversary is a major milestone for a married couple. When a man and woman have arrived at this heady number, it speaks highly of their commitment, their perseverance, their willingness to struggle through together whatever comes their way. If they have done...
An unexpected win

An unexpected win

‘And they lived happily ever after.’ Many children’s books end with this, or something close to it. A pleasant, feel-good ending on which to say, ‘Good Night, Sweet dreams.’ Cinderella marries the prince. The ogre is defeated. The Sheriff puts the bad guys in jail and...
A Life Journey Rich in Mystery

A Life Journey Rich in Mystery

Yesterday, he was not a part of God’s story. Today, he’s been summoned into it by a God he’s yet to get to know. My guess is there is a work of the Holy Spirit here, making it clear to Abram that this is a significant calling, one to be obeyed. So, he does. He packs...
The Road Ahead: Not What You Think

The Road Ahead: Not What You Think

When Samuel, Israel’s prophet, was sent by God to the house of Jesse, it was with the top-secret mission to anoint King Saul’s replacement, without the emotionally unstable king’s knowledge, of course. Samuel wanted this to be a quick splattering of oil on the...
And what’s more . . .

And what’s more . . .

I’ve been ‘parable-weaving,’ and this is your invitation to read my imaginings:  A homeless person is seated on an old, rickety lawn chair propped against a brick wall on a busy city block with stores and offices and restaurants. He is approached by a...
A win by proxy

A win by proxy

Young people wanting a military career, those training to be Olympic athletes, those choosing to become medical doctors, all know that there will be grueling times ahead of them before achieving their dream. That isn’t a secret. So, what is it that makes them so...
Time to play! Wanna come?

Time to play! Wanna come?

Do you remember? As a child, the world of make believe was a glorious place where anything was possible, anything you’d seen or heard could become something totally different at your mind’s command, to suit your latest dream or idea. Sticks or rocks or old blankets or...
Hot fudge sundae for breakfast?

Hot fudge sundae for breakfast?

Parenting, by definition, knows times of heightened anxiety. Any time a child is rushed to the hospital. The first time a teenager is allowed to stay home alone for the weekend. When the time comes to become a driving instructor. When the school principal calls in the...
The size of our fight

The size of our fight

In a few densely packed, carefully chosen words, Jesus spoke a powerful and life-altering reality: his disciples (us, therefore) would be in the world but not of it, in the same way he was not of it (in John 17). Every generation of believers since that prayer was...