Still More Kingdom Revealed
April 28, 2024

Still More Kingdom Revealed

Passage: John 4:1-8, John 4:25-38
Service Type:

Ever the unparalleled teacher, Jesus was intent on expanding his disciples’ understanding of the ways of his Father’s Kingdom. Step by step, so as not to overwhelm his disciples, he searched for occasions to illustrate it, to place its values within a memorable context. At times, it probably seemed to his band of friends that they were still processing the last revelation when something equally new and surprising (shocking?) was thrown at them.

John 4:1-8a, 25-38
1. vv. 1-4 – non-____________________ an ear ________________________

2. vv. 5-8a – _____________________________________________________

3. vv. 25-28 – demonstrates ________________________________________

4. vv. 31-34 – figurative _____________________________________________

5. vv. 35-38 – love ___________________________________________________

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