Oozers of Love

December 18, 2022
What are perfectly clear wisdom paths, to God, are deepest, convoluted mysteries to us. With every revelation of His plan, we are stymied. With every individual’s inclusion in His plan…

Oozers of Joy

December 11, 2022
All the characters playing a role in the birth of Jesus massively were jolted by Divinity’s near presence. As the Kingdom pressed nearer, the frequency and intensity of these encounters…

Oozers of Peace

December 4, 2022
The Old Testament Ancient Hebrew word for peace, ‘shalom,’ and the corresponding New Testament Greek word, ‘eirene,’ both convey the idea of wholeness. This wholeness is a key element which…

Oozers of Hope

November 27, 2022
God, in His infinite mercy, has unfailingly provided abundant doses of hope to his often-erring, wayward, distracted people, through the voices of His attentive, obedient servants.  Even the bleakest of times…