For Jesus’ disciples, it wasn’t simply what they knew he could do that was a continual source of amazement, it was what he chose to do that kept them off…

Kingdom Light

January 28, 2024
The Kingdom of God and light are inseparable. In John’s Revelation of the New Jerusalem, he saw: “The city has no need for the sun or moon to shine, for…
Laodicea – (7 of 7) The seventh and final letter dictated to John, in Revelation, addresses the final type of waywardness exhibited in the churches. When believers in Jesus were…
Sardis – (5 of 7) From the very beginning of the church Jesus birthed through his disciples, there were wobbles, some discouraging, some devastating. Sixty years along in this tendency,…
Thyatira – (4 of 7) On this first Sunday of Advent, 2023, focusing on the theme of Hope, there is evident, a startling contrast between the sweet Babe in the…
Pergamum – (3 of 7) “. . . Jesus, the Anointed One, unveils the truth wrapped in tender mercy.” John 1:17, TPT “Your Word is truth!” John 17:17, TPT The…

Christ Unveiled

October 29, 2023
Jesus’ disciples, after three years of walking with him, watching him teach, heal, and interact with the crowds, often were left befuddled by him. Plus, his miracles! Only Peter, James…