Jesus Unveiled to His church
Laodicea – (7 of 7)
The seventh and final letter dictated to John, in Revelation, addresses the final type of waywardness exhibited in the churches. When believers in Jesus were on fire with love they were like tall, flaming torches boldly announcing their faith to everyone around and, in particular, to their enemies, both Jews and Romans. But by blending in, they were less noticed, less hassled. The seduction to stay active but in a non-spiritual, non-threatening, way was great. The wealthy commercial hub around the Laodiceans was a perfectly convenient environment in which to swim ‘under the radar.’
Revelation 3:14-22
1. v. 14 – Jesus claims his role ____________________________________________
2. vv. 15, 16 – Jesus expresses ____________________________________________
3. vv. 17-19 – Jesus proposes ___________________________________________
4. vv. 20-22 – Jesus ______________________________________________________