1 Chronicles 29:10-15 “O Lord, the God of our ancestor Israel,[i] may you be praised forever and ever! 11 Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the…
Our inherited rebellious brokenness (what the Bible calls sin) chokes the bandwidth of the Advent gifts recently celebrated – hope, peace, joy, love. Temptations from all sectors impede our in-process…

Oozers of Love

December 18, 2022
What are perfectly clear wisdom paths, to God, are deepest, convoluted mysteries to us. With every revelation of His plan, we are stymied. With every individual’s inclusion in His plan…

An Embarrassment of Riches

November 20, 2022
We live in the ‘time between the times,’ the Now and the Not Yet,’ the ‘here and the still arriving;’ all these descriptions of our day swirling with mystery and…

The Spirit’s Impact

November 13, 2022
In the weeks and months following Pentecost there was, in the hearts of the disciples, a hyper-tangible sense of the realness, the immediacy, of the inside-of-them, superpower in the person…
Jesus’ disciples, if they experienced anything in their time with their Savior-friend, Jesus, it was being overwhelmed. Surely, by the end of that traumatic week in Jerusalem during the Feast…

Take Me to the Eye Clinic

October 2, 2022
I work at an eye clinic located in a hospital that serves a large amount of underprivileged people. Many of them are homeless, have serious mental health issues, or are…

Jesus Brilliance

September 4, 2022
Our eyes relax in a darkened room without the need to focus but when lights are abruptly brought back up, like after a movie at the theater, we wince with…
In a letter to the church planted in Corinth just five years previously, Paul addresses the ungodliness plaguing the congregation there: immaturity, instability, divisions, jealousy and envy, lawsuits, marital difficulties,…
God’s Plan ‘A’ (there is no Plan ‘B’) includes His Church being the Dwelling Place of His Spirit, to enable her to be a clear expression of His heart in…