Joy Unspeakable

October 20, 2024
(and full of Glory)   Paul may have been the first Jesus follower to be tutored one-on-one by God. Imagine all he received in that intense period of extreme makeover!…

We, Jesus’ loved ones

September 22, 2024
Salvation’s provisions have been completed. Jesus’ glory has been revealed. Instructions for life and ministry have been lined out. Holy Spirit teaching and encouragement and correction are ongoing. Promises of…

The Story of a Life

July 14, 2024
One of the central figures in the life of the early church, and one of the least likely to find himself there, was Saul of Tarsus, known to us as…
PENTECOST SUNDAY The Pentecost Event was an incisive Kingdom invasion, with Jesus not waiting for the disciples to attain to a state of full readiness. It was clearly a ready-or-not…
One of Isaiah’s prophecies regarding Jesus, states: “. . . He possessed no distinguishing beauty or outward splendor to catch our attention – nothing special in his appearance to make…

Alone or In Tandem

October 8, 2023
The early Church lived an uprooted and overturned life, while the world around them stayed rigidly unchanged, ignorant of the new life Jesus offered. And the old life was seriously…

The Light Now Ours

September 3, 2023
When God’s Majesty is seen accommodating the relative inferiority of mankind, it staggers the (human) imagination. Pondering the ever-expanding universe alongside the miniscule planet on which we live is equally…

Enemies, Neighbors, Friends

August 20, 2023
Life in the Kingdom of God is lived in stark contrast with life in the ‘kingdom’ of unredeemed people. The differences were constantly highlighted by Jesus’ way of life, his…

A Beloved People

June 18, 2023
In a magnanimous show of Eternal Love, Jesus came to live amongst us. He chose to die in our place. He rose from the grave to share resurrection life with…

An Embarrassment of Riches

November 20, 2022
We live in the ‘time between the times,’ the Now and the Not Yet,’ the ‘here and the still arriving;’ all these descriptions of our day swirling with mystery and…