A Beautiful Life

August 14, 2022
A consistent Bible theme: certain consequences for disobedience. It is illustrated from Eden, the people of Noah’s day, Abraham, Moses, David, the entire people of Israel, through to the New…

The Old, Old Story

July 24, 2022
The ‘in Christ’ life is 100% complete, saturated with Christ’s fullness. The simple, life-giving story, too, is complete, missing no details, with no exceptions, no margin of error, both divinely…
From start to finish, the Good News has baffled the wisdom of the world (and not a few Christians!). Presented to us as one thing, with one faith, one Lord,…
For the Apostles, grasping the full scope of what Jesus’ death accomplished and made available was a distilling process, a little by little, growing awareness, with expanding comprehensions, and elating…