The Kingdom Unveiling/Makeover
The Pentecost Event was an incisive Kingdom invasion, with Jesus not waiting for the disciples to attain to a state of full readiness. It was clearly a ready-or-not overwhelming. They had been told (Luke 24:49) they would be ‘clothed with power from on high,’ (NIV) or that ‘the power of heaven would fall upon them and wrap around them’ (TPT). This was a no turning back moment, resulting in them (and every disciple to follow through centuries to come) being infused with more life, more strength, more power, more courage, more insight, than they could possess on their own. They had undergone a radical Kingdom makeover.
Luke 24:32-49
1. vv. 32-35 – Jesus ___________________________________________________
2. vv. 36-40 – Jesus ___________________________________________________
3. vv. 41- 43 – Jesus ___________________________________________________
4. vv. 44 – 49 – Jesus _________________________________________________