The Holy Spirit, Too?

July 7, 2024
Beyond a relationship with Jesus as Lord, beyond adoption into the Beloved, beyond eternal life, beyond forgiveness of sins – all this already too much to comprehend, too good to…

A Kingdom Intensive

April 14, 2024
Jesus was the instructor, and the disciples were his open-air, traveling classroom of twelve. The constant crowds clamored for spectacle while each display was intended to show his students further…

Kingdom Harmony

January 21, 2024
Relational discord, power struggles, secret plotting, angry shouting, division along ‘party’ lines, all these things are totally absent in the Kingdom of God and the life of the Trinity. There,…

Enemies, Neighbors, Friends

August 20, 2023
Life in the Kingdom of God is lived in stark contrast with life in the ‘kingdom’ of unredeemed people. The differences were constantly highlighted by Jesus’ way of life, his…
Unlike any Rabbi they’d ever heard of, Jesus seemed so much like one of the guys. Yes, he wielded astonishing power and authority, did miracles, and scared them witless sometimes,…
Adam’s sin fractured his glory, tearing apart his unbroken, intimate, Garden of Eden relationship with God.  It was an instantaneous, tragic reversal. God was, for the first time, seen by Adam…

Prayer Samplings

October 16, 2022
Before technology became ‘the’ way to communicate, face to face exchange and personal, handwritten messages managed to hold an ever-expanding society together for millennia. The spoken word was invaluable. The…

A Beautiful Life

August 14, 2022
A consistent Bible theme: certain consequences for disobedience. It is illustrated from Eden, the people of Noah’s day, Abraham, Moses, David, the entire people of Israel, through to the New…
We are at the halfway mark of the forty days Jesus invested, post-Resurrection, in making sure his disciples ‘got’ everything vitally necessary for taking up the task of continuing his…