New Overcomes Old

August 11, 2024
We are the redeemed, the born again, the called-out ones, the forgiven, God’s Beloved, the co-heirs with Christ, the alive forevermore ones. In all this, we say Amen! to those…

A People of Joy

July 9, 2023
21st Century disciples of Jesus find themselves a Re-created people, a Pentecost people, a Beloved people, a Missional people, a ‘Being’ people, and fully equipped to respond to today’s wide-ranging set…
We are God’s invited ones, His chosen ones, His beloved ones. The language of the Kingdom of Heaven is rich with the theme of relationship and friendship and loving restoration.…
Our inherited rebellious brokenness (what the Bible calls sin) chokes the bandwidth of the Advent gifts recently celebrated – hope, peace, joy, love. Temptations from all sectors impede our in-process…

Oozers of Hope

November 27, 2022
God, in His infinite mercy, has unfailingly provided abundant doses of hope to his often-erring, wayward, distracted people, through the voices of His attentive, obedient servants.  Even the bleakest of times…

Still, we are learning

September 12, 2021
Our invitation to in-Christ, eternal living, lands at our feet when we are still sin-wrecked, stubbornly willful, egocentric; in short, Biblically speaking, lost, like errant sheep. The good news within…