The Journey of Discipleship
Commitment #6 – Ooze Forgiveness
It may be that the most challenging aspect of ministry for Jesus was reining in the desires of his heart, waiting for the Father’s word, the Father’s timing. Seeing the crowds, as if lost and without a shepherd was deeply moving for him. Waiting to go to Mary and Martha until after Lazarus was dead and buried may have cost him his sleep. Maybe walking past certain villages that he knew housed people who were sad and in distress may have prompted some earnest prayer, even entire nights in refreshing, perspective-renewing fellowship with the Father. The encounter with the woman with the issue of blood may have been a surprise, a divine appointment for the Divine, causing an overwhelming surge of desire not only to heal, but to forgive.
1. Luke 23:32-34 –Forgiveness oozing to __________________________________
2. Luke 23:39-43 – Forgiveness oozing to __________________________________
3. Luke 22:31-34; 54-62, John 21:15-19 – Forgiveness oozing to ______________________