A ‘Being’ People
We are God’s invited ones, His chosen ones, His beloved ones. The language of the Kingdom of Heaven is rich with the theme of relationship and friendship and loving restoration. Through our fallen, Adamic filters, we hear the invitation as: ‘come set up the tables, do the shopping, prepare the meal, stay in the kitchen, and don’t leave before you’ve cleaned up.’ Grace flows in abundance through the entire story of God’s calling to His people, but it often gets skewed arriving in our ears as: earn, struggle, submit, be ashamed. The mercantile world we live in has little concept of love, mercy, hope, joy, or peace. What we have is a translation problem.
“I promise you this – the Holy Spirit will come upon you and
you will be seized with power. And you will be my messengers . . .”
Acts 1:8, TPT
John 1:12 – the invitation to ___________________________________________
John 15: 15b -17 – the invitation to ____________________________________
John 17: 20-26 – the invitation to ______________________________________
“Come,” says the Holy Spirit and the Bride in divine duet. Let everyone who hears this duet join them in saying, “Come.” Let everyone gripped with spiritual thirst say, “Come.” And let everyone who craves the gift of living water come and drink it freely. “It is my gift to you! Come.” Revelation 22:17, TPT