A People of Joy
21st Century disciples of Jesus find themselves a Re-created people, a Pentecost people, a Beloved people, a Missional people, a ‘Being’ people, and fully equipped to respond to today’s wide-ranging set of challenges – as a people of JOY. With endless love and a changeless Savior, this peculiar people can still stand, can still bask in confidence in the award-winning power of the living Word of God. Never has a people known greater provision. Never has a people known such gifted, daily replenishment of all that is needed of compassion and mercy for the journey.
“My purpose in telling you [about my love and living in it] is so that the JOY
I experience will fill your hearts with overflowing gladness.”
JESUS, John 15:11, TPT
Luke 15:4 – 7 –__________________________________= JOY in the Kingdom
Luke 15: 8 – 10 – _________________________________ = JOY in the Kingdom
Luke 15: 11 – 24 – ________________________________ = JOY in the Kingdom
“Because [Jesus’] heart was focused on the JOY of knowing that you would
be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation,
and now sits at the right hand of the throne of God!”
Hebrews 12: 2b, TPT