The Kingdom: A Prequel – Part 2
With the terrifyingly majestic encounter with Divine Glory still thundering in our ears from the base of Mount Sinai, we now race ahead four Centuries to ca. 1000 BC, to King David and his outpourings of love and gratitude for a very different aspect of one and the same God. He moves us from the meta-narrative to the micro-narrative, from Creation’s resplendence to acknowledging God as the Lover of his soul. David says, in Psalm 8: “I know you are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all! But when I look up and see such wonder and workmanship above, I have to ask you this question: Compared to all this cosmic glory, why would you bother with puny mortal man or be infatuated with Adam’s sons?” (TPT).
Psalm 139
1. vv. 1-6 – A Kingdom seeking ___________________________________________
2. vv. 7-12 – A Kingdom reigning ________________________________________
3. vv. 13-18 – A Kingdom attentive _______________________________________
4. vv. 19-24 – A Kingdom requiring ______________________________________