The Kingdom: A Prequel – Part 3
For the law-keeping Jew, God was the fearsome, mountain-shaking Yahweh of history. To the wayward Jew, He was the all-patient One. To the forsaken Jew, God was the friend that sticks closer than a brother. To the beleaguered Jew, God was the Faithful and Holy One speaking through His prophets, promising punishment along with restoration and peace. To the Jew of Jesus’ day, the much-anticipated, prophesied promise of God spoke of a Messiah who would reign terror and vengeance and crushing defeat on their enemy, Rome, and in the process, restore Israel’s rightful sovereignty.
Zephaniah 3:9-20, VOICE
1. Zephaniah 3:9-13 – Promise of nations ___________________________________
2. Zephaniah 3:14-17 – Promise of joy ____________________________________
3. Zephaniah 3:18-20 – Promise __________________________________________