The Kingdom: A Prequel – Part 1
The dizzying reality that we are now people of the Kingdom, joint heirs with Christ of the beauty and the bounty of God, continues to be a mystery we are called to embrace. We see all that Jesus modeled, all that he taught, all that he did to introduce the Kingdom. But what went before? What foretastes were given to help prepare undeserving hearts to receive the glories of such an inheritance? Well, in a way, the entire Old Testament story is a Kingdom primer, with repeated glimpses of power and glory and authority totally other, totally mesmerizing, totally sublime.
Exodus 19:16–Exodus 20:21
1. 19: 16-25 – The approach of __________________________________________
2. 20:1-17 – The voice of _______________________________________________
3. 20: 18-21 – The response of __________________________________________