With the terrifyingly majestic encounter with Divine Glory still thundering in our ears from the base of Mount Sinai, we now race ahead four Centuries to ca. 1000 BC, to…
The Good News is that Jesus made membership in His Resurrection Life freely possible for us. The really good news is that we get to live that life out loud…
All Biblical accounts of miracles, God’s interventions, reveal mysteries of his Kingdom. There is the part we see and experience, like in a physical healing, which, itself, is often difficult…
Our new birth, this Resurrection-in-Christ birthing, this not-of-this-world life, is a fresh start, a re-beginning, and includes the acquisition of a whole new set of life skills, new understandings, new…
24th Oct 2021 ‘COME BUY WINE WITHOUT MONEY’ John 7:1-14 JESUS THE JEW (in what ways did Jesus conform to Jewish customs? Here and elsewhere in the Gospels?) John 7:14-27…
Ecclesiology, Epistemology, Hamartiology, Christology, Theology, and many other twenty-five-dollar words lend an air of elevated academia to all things Christianity, to all things Church. The ‘ology’ simply means ‘the study…