PENTECOST SUNDAY The Pentecost Event was an incisive Kingdom invasion, with Jesus not waiting for the disciples to attain to a state of full readiness. It was clearly a ready-or-not…

The Big Reveal

July 30, 2023
Forever in the heart of God was restoring to relationship the people he had created. This plan, to redeem humanity from the darkness of God-absence, was announced in Genesis 3:15: “And…

After the Finale

May 28, 2023
For Jesus’ disciples, the Pentecost event initiated in them, gave birth through them, Jesus’ Church. For us, Pentecost shapes, gives current expression to, the Church into which we were born.…

The Spirit’s Impact

November 13, 2022
In the weeks and months following Pentecost there was, in the hearts of the disciples, a hyper-tangible sense of the realness, the immediacy, of the inside-of-them, superpower in the person…
The fire and fury of Pentecost was the needful, mesmerizing introduction to the taking up of residence of the Holy Spirit in the day in, day out, lives of Jesus’…

The ‘After’* Effect

June 21, 2020
A well-known characteristic of earthquakes is a series of aftershocks, some of which are significant in intensity and often damaging, though usually less so than the initial tremor. Pentecost had…
Even ‘hyperbole’, that witty literary device that deliberately exaggerates for effect, is left wanting when it comes to talking about the change that took place inside Jesus’ disciple/friends. And as…