Not a Brain Surgeon? Not a Problem!

Not a Brain Surgeon? Not a Problem!

I won’t overly burden you with my current reading, which is a 462-page book on the brain and the importance of interhemispheric information transfer facilitated by the corpus callosum. Plus, you may not have a burning desire to be informed about the brain’s...
More of Him, Less of Me

More of Him, Less of Me

Professors’ teaching styles range from fall-asleep, deathly boring to edge-of-seat riveting (with all variations in between). I once had an evening class – from 7-10 PM! The professor was one of the most gentle, kind, intelligent men one could ever meet....
Where do we look?

Where do we look?

You watch/read/listen to, your news source of choice. Can you remember the last time the information you took in left you refreshed and satisfied and thinking: Ahh! The Prince of Peace is having His day!? Me either. There are, regularly served up for us, breaking news...
The answer is: WHO

The answer is: WHO

This will probably sound weird to you, but I sometimes find myself kind of jealous at the chaotic circumstances of Jesus’ disciples following the Resurrection. I mean, sure, last week was horrible, the worst, like a living nightmare. And once they encountered the...
That’s so yesterday! And so today!

That’s so yesterday! And so today!

It’s about survival. Almost a survival of the fittest, like in jungles. The public ‘mood’ of our times is rough and ready, gritty, me-myself-and-I, perpetually offended, unmoored from pleasantness, mannerliness, outward shows of recognition of the existence (much less...