A PD re-telling of the return of the prodigal*

A PD re-telling of the return of the prodigal*

One might think that a cascading of prophetic Scriptural fulfillments would make Scripture aficionados jubilant. But one might also be wrong. Terribly wrong in fact. The various groups of synagogue leadership (those most familiar with those prophecies) were the most...
What am I missing?

What am I missing?

I’m surprised at how seldom I think of my array of accumulated conveniences. Like the functioning of the all-important, morning coffee machine. Or the arrival of hot water for a shower. Or AC during hot weather and heat in those other months. Or my car starting when...
The 75-day test

The 75-day test

For some, it’s like climbing Mt. Everest. For others, like attempting to win the Iron Man Competition. For still others, it’s like an extended Lenten period, fasting their favorite food. For all of us, it’s a challenge of some consequence. It requires paying attention...
That game’s such a dud!

That game’s such a dud!

Ever since Adam invented it, humanity has gravitated to it like a sinking man to a lifeboat. It is called, ‘find someone to blame,’ the promise being that once blame-shifting is accomplished, rescue is certain. So, Adam blamed Eve for the consumed fruit and we’ve been...
Tag! You’re It!

Tag! You’re It!

Of all the categories of US ambassadorships, there is one that sounds remarkably like the one conveyed upon every follower of Jesus. It is ‘Ambassador Extraordinary,’ defined as: an individual who is the highest-ranked diplomatic minister going on a special mission....