1 Chronicles 29:10-15 “O Lord, the God of our ancestor Israel,[i] may you be praised forever and ever! 11 Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the…

Oozers of Love

December 18, 2022
What are perfectly clear wisdom paths, to God, are deepest, convoluted mysteries to us. With every revelation of His plan, we are stymied. With every individual’s inclusion in His plan…

Oozers of Peace

December 4, 2022
The Old Testament Ancient Hebrew word for peace, ‘shalom,’ and the corresponding New Testament Greek word, ‘eirene,’ both convey the idea of wholeness. This wholeness is a key element which…


October 9, 2022
“Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!” (Mk. 9:24) One source of encouragement throughout Scripture is the number of times men and women openly express their weakness and confusion and even their…

Jesus Brilliance

September 4, 2022
Our eyes relax in a darkened room without the need to focus but when lights are abruptly brought back up, like after a movie at the theater, we wince with…

Embracing Divine Mystery

August 21, 2022
What God has done; what we’ve become; what is ours; what is now our place of permanent belonging: these things stagger the imagination. All aspects of our salvation, our in-Christ…

FREE! (Indeed!)

July 31, 2022
How unsearchable are the ways of God! The power of His voice brought into existence the world we live in! Land and sea are contoured at his bidding. The universe’s…