Jesus, and the entire duration of his ministry, was a revelation of the Father’s plan. The disciples, and the crowds, often missed the truths constantly being opened up for them,…
The disciples’ heads reeled with every fresh aspect of this Kingdom to which Jesus constantly referred. Sometimes, the revelations were simply brand-new, never-before considered. At other times, the revelations were…
Jesus came embodying the Kingdom of God. All he did was à la Kingdom. Undoubtedly, it was also à la Galilee, the rural region where he had been raised. Once…
For the law-keeping Jew, God was the fearsome, mountain-shaking Yahweh of history. To the wayward Jew, He was the all-patient One. To the forsaken Jew, God was the friend that…
The dizzying reality that we are now people of the Kingdom, joint heirs with Christ of the beauty and the bounty of God, continues to be a mystery we are…

A Kingdom Unshakeable

February 4, 2024
Since our adoption into the Kingdom of God, our lives have become an integral part of the Meta-Narrative, the over-arching Love Story that is found from Genesis to Revelation. We…

Kingdom Light

January 28, 2024
The Kingdom of God and light are inseparable. In John’s Revelation of the New Jerusalem, he saw: “The city has no need for the sun or moon to shine, for…

Kingdom Harmony

January 21, 2024
Relational discord, power struggles, secret plotting, angry shouting, division along ‘party’ lines, all these things are totally absent in the Kingdom of God and the life of the Trinity. There,…

All We, Like Shepherds

December 24, 2023
God the Father meticulously chooses times to accomplish His will. But strangely, these ‘times’ are largely unannounced beforehand. So, at a time when thousands were having to travel from their…

It’s All Light

September 17, 2023
Matthew 22:34-40; Matthew 6:22-24 – ________________the Priority of the Kingdom James 4:1-6 –______________________the Priority of the Kingdom Ephesians 5:1-14 –__________________the Priority of the Kingdom