The Holy Spirit, Too?

July 7, 2024
Beyond a relationship with Jesus as Lord, beyond adoption into the Beloved, beyond eternal life, beyond forgiveness of sins – all this already too much to comprehend, too good to…
The dizzying reality that we are now people of the Kingdom, joint heirs with Christ of the beauty and the bounty of God, continues to be a mystery we are…

It’s All Light

September 17, 2023
Matthew 22:34-40; Matthew 6:22-24 – ________________the Priority of the Kingdom James 4:1-6 –______________________the Priority of the Kingdom Ephesians 5:1-14 –__________________the Priority of the Kingdom
Adam’s sin fractured his glory, tearing apart his unbroken, intimate, Garden of Eden relationship with God.  It was an instantaneous, tragic reversal. God was, for the first time, seen by Adam…

Embracing Divine Mystery

August 21, 2022
What God has done; what we’ve become; what is ours; what is now our place of permanent belonging: these things stagger the imagination. All aspects of our salvation, our in-Christ…
Since its invasion of Eden’s tranquility, sin has been pandemic among God’s sons and daughters. The tragic expulsion from the Garden, the separations, the warnings, the reminders of God’s holiness…