21st Century disciples of Jesus find themselves a Re-created people, a Pentecost people, a Beloved people, a Missional people, a ‘Being’ people, and fully equipped to respond to today’s wide-ranging set…
I work at an eye clinic located in a hospital that serves a large amount of underprivileged people. Many of them are homeless, have serious mental health issues, or are…
Our invitation to in-Christ, eternal living, lands at our feet when we are still sin-wrecked, stubbornly willful, egocentric; in short, Biblically speaking, lost, like errant sheep. The good news within…
Keith reviews the Vineyard core values as they relate to ministry in these areas: Poverty (Matthew 25:41-46, Galations 2:10), race (Galatians 3:27-28, Acts 2:8-11), and Children (Matthew 18:1-6 & 10,…