A Missional People
June 25, 2023

A Missional People

Passage: Ephesians 1:1-14
Service Type:

When we, as a lost, broken, sin-ensnared, people collided with the since-Creation Plan of the Universe-creating, Salvation-of-mankind planning, Redeeming, God, the outcome was a re-created people, a Pentecost people, a beloved people, a missional people. We are adopted. We have been given abundant, eternal life. We have been made ambassadors of reconciliation. We are called as Jesus’ witnesses all the way to the ends of the earth. We are to grow into being daily, living examples of in-Christ life. But, to what end? Is there a bigger picture yet? Is there a further target?

Ephesians 1:1-14

   vv. 5,6 – that His love over us would be ________________________________

–   vv. 11-13 –that we would bring _______________________________________

   v. 14 – that we would be ______________________________________________

What we do every time we pray is to confess our impotence and [God’s] sovereignty.

Knowing God, J. I. Packer (1926-2020)

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