A different kind of army

A different kind of army

It’s almost humorous the number of times it has to be repeated in Scripture. The phrase so often heard is: ‘Do not be afraid.’ One would have to conclude that the reason for this command is that the audience was, in fact, afraid.  Jesus says it to his...
Time to Say Goodbye?

Time to Say Goodbye?

It’s Thursday of Holy Week/Passion Week. It’s a day filled with last things, wrapping up, goodbyes, ultimates. Last opportunities for teaching in the temple (after the preceding few days, the Passover-attending crowds would have been enormous, eager, crowding in to...
Jesus Rules!

Jesus Rules!

To be sure, there are bumper stickers to suit every taste, and Sunday, on our way home from lunch after church, we saw a new one which read: ‘Cool! This calls for a spreadsheet!’ One instantly wonders about the person who chose it. While I might surmise we have little...
A Gift that Fits Every Time

A Gift that Fits Every Time

Just imagine how many things we regret and worry over in a lifetime! Things we did which we shouldn’t have done, things we didn’t do which we should have done. Things we said which we shouldn’t have said, things we didn’t say which we should have said. Rumors we fell...
Hope for a Recovering Pharisee

Hope for a Recovering Pharisee

It’s clear. There’s no use denying it any longer. At my house I am a Pharisee. True confession. I prefer and prioritize order and neatness and breathable-ness. All external. All the things that are pleasing to the eye (well, my eye at least), but not needed for...