A win by proxy

A win by proxy

Young people wanting a military career, those training to be Olympic athletes, those choosing to become medical doctors, all know that there will be grueling times ahead of them before achieving their dream. That isn’t a secret. So, what is it that makes them so...
Pressed down, shaken together, brimming over

Pressed down, shaken together, brimming over

No matter one’s taste in music, the list of love songs is near endless. Sometimes a celebration of found love, sometimes expressing an ache to be loved, sometimes exposing the searing pain of heartbreak. And because God is love, each of these songs can be compared or...
For the Long View

For the Long View

The Ironman Triathlon: a timed, 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bicycle ride, 26.22-mile marathon, done in that order. Who would ever voluntarily sign on for such a physically exhausting race? To be clear – not I! But there are hundreds and hundreds of brave (crazy?) people...
A Piano Man Speaks

A Piano Man Speaks

Mrs. Mullin’s assignment for my practicing piano progressed from 20 minutes a day to 30, then 45, then 60 over the 5 years I went to her for lessons.  After several years away from lessons, and now a piano major in college, Dr. Mead’s practice assignment was 3 hours a...
The Ending of the End Isn’t

The Ending of the End Isn’t

We are over halfway through the 2022 season of Lent, these 40 days leading up to the completing act of Jesus’ mission on earth, the love cause for which he was sent, the revealed, passionate heart of the Father intently awaiting the restoration of all Creation to...