Like a Waldo in the crowd

Like a Waldo in the crowd

In multiple countries now, there are televised talent shows offering as prizes either huge sums of cash or rigorous coaching by a famous personality in a matched category. Each platform has massive crowd appeal and tens of millions of faithful viewers. A percentage of...
The hope found in communion!

The hope found in communion!

Tomorrow, we begin the four-Sunday journey of Advent, setting aside our day-in, day-out glut of interests and intrigues, dramas and joys, and dusting off, once more, our longing for the coming of the Messiah. I say dusting off because in the other eleven months of the...
Marching upward to…

Marching upward to…

Very early in our marriage, shortly after our post-honeymoon arrival in France, a friend invited us to go for a walk with him. We eagerly accepted, thinking this would be a good way for Sue to get to know some of the folks I’d met the previous year. On Saturday...
Remember those Collect Calls?

Remember those Collect Calls?

We all know, or have heard stories of, those supremely confident little children who pompously declare that they will not be in need of help, be it in getting dressed, figuring out how to play a new game, or pouring milk on their Froot Loops. We also can picture the...
“To be happy in Jesus …”

“To be happy in Jesus …”

‘Pay it forward’ is a God idea, a God value. There are over 300 references to ‘inherit’ and ‘inheritance’ in the Bible. Apparently, the intent was that each generation would provide for the generation to follow. For thousands of years, families maintained this...