Beyond first glance

Beyond first glance

“In Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28, NIV. Intriguing statement, don’t you think? Besides good lyrics for a song, what are we to understand from it? What was Luke’s intent in writing this? Had he come to understand something of critical...
Walls can become doorways

Walls can become doorways

‘In this world you will have trouble.’ Jesus. In the West, we ‘hear’ him saying, ‘In this world you will have peace and prosperity.’ Something rises up inside us at the thought of difficulties and hurdles and sicknesses and setbacks. To bolster this thinking,...
A Note from Pastor Don

A Note from Pastor Don

Bread, growing up in my family, was strictly a homemade thing (I never had ‘boughten’ bread until I was a teenager, and I was, um, unimpressed, shall we say). I watched my mother knead that large lump of dough, on average, twice a week. Once, at around six years old,...
Seeing more clearly

Seeing more clearly

Let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, “I am holy; you be holy.” 1 Peter 1: 15,16, MSG These verses from 1 Peter have always intrigued, challenged, worried my brain. Especially God...
Our best life

Our best life

It’s what we do. For vehicle repair beyond our ability, we search out a mechanic who is knowledgeable, honest, reliable. Similarly, for home plumbing repairs, we want trained and bonded plumbers. For any surgery we might need, we ask around to find the best surgeon to...