That’s Worth Celebrating!

That’s Worth Celebrating!

A Golden Anniversary is a major milestone for a married couple. When a man and woman have arrived at this heady number, it speaks highly of their commitment, their perseverance, their willingness to struggle through together whatever comes their way. If they have done...
Today’s the Day!

Today’s the Day!

Life gets shaped by milestones, those events or passages which bring significant and permanent change to bear. Some at the top of the list may be high school graduation, getting a driver’s license, finishing higher education, getting married, having that first baby,...
Rain, rain, go away . . .

Rain, rain, go away . . .

Knotted shoelaces, twisted garden hoses, snarled strings of Christmas lights, to name a few of life’s deepest mysteries. Well, OK, minor irritations. Let’s just say, any of these things at the start of the day is unwelcome, an interruption, a de-motivator. The one...
Hold on. I want to try something.

Hold on. I want to try something.

Taxiing complete, the pilot announces we’re number one for departure. Full stop. Engines rev up with that familiar rumble/whine, begging for release. Then we slip into gear, moving slowly at first, then faster and faster, whipping past airport outbuildings, all of us...
The garden life

The garden life

You’ll need a vivid imagination for this but try to picture the life of Adam and Eve pre-serpent, pre-tree, pre-fruit, pre-catastrophe. No discord, no disagreements, no misunderstandings, only happy, rich, marital bliss, God-style. Take another minute to fully let the...