Better than an e-reader

Better than an e-reader

Over 134,000,000 books (according to a brief online search) have been published since the invention of the Gutenberg press in 1450, and, on average, 2,200,000 more books are published annually. I think I’ve read hundreds of books in my lifetime – many novels, some...
(Almost) Beyond Description

(Almost) Beyond Description

Our souls, with their God-sized bandwidth, have near-endless capacity for expansion. That’s why when a story or a film or a piece of music or art (or a sports team), gets to our emotions, there’s this swelling sensation in our chest, and often a welling up of tears....
The Plan Always Comes Together

The Plan Always Comes Together

A chef looks at a kitchen worktop strewn with steaks, vegetables, seasonings, oil, salad fixin’s, pots, pans, serving dishes and ‘sees’ delectable, exquisitely plated entrées. A baker looks at a bowl of flour, a dish of yeast, water, butter, milk, and salt and...
A Light Switches On

A Light Switches On

(more, as I see it) The disciples are now six days into the uncharted waters of this new season, this unsettling stretch with its waiting and wondering and hoping and praying. Words are gaining greater significance than ever before – specifically the words Jesus spoke...
That’s my last mud pie!

That’s my last mud pie!

It’s a struggle sometimes to get the words right when describing certain feelings or events or places. When the girl you love says the all-important, “Yes!” telling somebody how you felt, well, it ain’t easy to condense it into mere words. (right, guys?) When the baby...