“The future ain’t what it used to be.” 

“The future ain’t what it used to be.” 

Yogi Berra It makes me nervous. Really nervous. There’s a trucking company on the West Coast that has a small fleet of 20 un-manned, electronic-circuit-controlled, 18-wheel rigs. It isn’t just the strange appearance of an empty cab rolling down the highway, it’s also...
Up, Up, and Away!

Up, Up, and Away!

“Just when the caterpillar thought life was over, it became a butterfly.” I was powerfully impacted the first time I saw this saying written on a ceramic plaque, but, at the time, without knowing why. Now I know that it was for today’s note. I wonder if the...
Hopeful Horizons

Hopeful Horizons

“When I grow up I’m going to be .  .  .” How many of us uttered those words, and how many of us are, today, what we dreamed of becoming then, when we were four or five years old? The daydreams of that age were far-reaching, if often unrealistic. Childhood idols were...