by Don Freeman | Jul 4, 2024 | Devotional
Young people wanting a military career, those training to be Olympic athletes, those choosing to become medical doctors, all know that there will be grueling times ahead of them before achieving their dream. That isn’t a secret. So, what is it that makes them so...
by Don Freeman | Aug 29, 2023 | Devotional
Consider the High School senior who has established a 4.0+ GPA, has participated in sports or drama or music or committees, has maintained a positive influence on peers, has been on the Dean’s List for the first three years. He/She has applied to four colleges, has...
by Don Freeman | Jun 22, 2023 | Devotional
God is love! By living in God, love has been brought to its full expression in us. . . Love never brings fear. . . Love’s perfection drives fear . . . far from our hearts. from 1 John 4, TPT Hidden evil powers driving today’s...
by Don Freeman | Jun 6, 2023 | Devotional
Across Protestantism, there is a vast range of instructions given to new believers. Some of these ‘inductees’ are told: You must speak in tongues or you are not born again You simply pray a sinner’s prayer and you are set for eternity You must be baptized by immersion...
by Don Freeman | Jan 19, 2023 | Devotional
From parents to beach lifeguards to bodyguards to EMTs to medical personnel to Fire & Rescue to Search & Rescue, it is a common thread – preserve life and safety to whatever extent it is possible, many times putting the rescuers at great risk in the process....