“To be happy in Jesus …”

“To be happy in Jesus …”

‘Pay it forward’ is a God idea, a God value. There are over 300 references to ‘inherit’ and ‘inheritance’ in the Bible. Apparently, the intent was that each generation would provide for the generation to follow. For thousands of years, families maintained this...
Can you feel the love?

Can you feel the love?

‘rote’ – the use of memory usually with little intelligence; routine or  repetition carried out mechanically or unthinkingly; a joyless sense of order. It’s disturbing, to say the least, if our Bible knowledge has been imparted according to the above...
What’s On Your Reading List?

What’s On Your Reading List?

“There are so many other things that Jesus said and did; and if these accounts were also written down, the books could not be contained in the entire cosmos.” This is the last verse of John’s Gospel (VOICE), written nearly 2,000 years ago. In the centuries since, much...
I Love a Good Novel!

I Love a Good Novel!

Aren’t the first thirty-nine (39) books of the Bible some of your most favorite reads of all time? Aren’t they just so thrilling and surprising and shocking and intriguing and can’t-put-them-til-you’re-done good? Aren’t they the impelling ones you curl up in your...