Alive and Teeming with the Living of the LIFE
For the Apostles, grasping the full scope of what Jesus’ death accomplished and made available was a distilling process, a little by little, growing awareness, with expanding comprehensions, and elating discoveries. The fever-pitched launching of the church provided no mental space to process the big picture, the meta-story. It was thirty years along in their journey that New Testament writers were able to articulate, and then only In part, the outsized gift they’d received, the eternal living that had become their present reality, their indescribably humbling, royal invite, the Ambassadorship to which they’d been recruited. We, today, are two millennia further along than they, and the ‘aha’ moments keep on coming. We still peer through mist and fog, through blurry filters, through pre-judgments, in an effort to discern, more clearly, this Life that is being lived currently through each of us.