We are the redeemed, the born again, the called-out ones, the forgiven, God’s Beloved, the co-heirs with Christ, the alive forevermore ones. In all this, we say Amen! to those…
It's not about you... 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 When I am weak, Christ is strong Psalm 73:26 My flesh may fail 1 Peter 5:7 Cast your anxieties on Him Romans 8:26…
God the Father meticulously chooses times to accomplish His will. But strangely, these ‘times’ are largely unannounced beforehand. So, at a time when thousands were having to travel from their…
Jesus’ disciples, after three years of walking with him, watching him teach, heal, and interact with the crowds, often were left befuddled by him. Plus, his miracles! Only Peter, James…
The beaming smile of gold-medal-winning Olympians on the podium is not the picture image immediately following the win. At that moment, they are physically spent, sweating, heart pounding, muscles all…
We have become the righteousness of God in Christ. He declares us flawless in his eyes. He, right now, sees us as His completed masterworks – His Magnum Opus. We…
Our inherited rebellious brokenness (what the Bible calls sin) chokes the bandwidth of the Advent gifts recently celebrated – hope, peace, joy, love. Temptations from all sectors impede our in-process…
We are those who live in this world but who have citizenship in another. We are aliens, a people of another realm, another authority, another power. Our life in Christ…
What God has done; what we’ve become; what is ours; what is now our place of permanent belonging: these things stagger the imagination. All aspects of our salvation, our in-Christ…
The ‘in Christ’ life is 100% complete, saturated with Christ’s fullness. The simple, life-giving story, too, is complete, missing no details, with no exceptions, no margin of error, both divinely…