This Kingdom Now Ours
March 17, 2024

This Kingdom Now Ours

Passage: John 6:1-13
Service Type:

In the brief span of 3 ½ years, Jesus is tasked with the wildest of missions – to convey to an unsuspecting people, the height and depth and breadth of his Father’s love and to demonstrate the power, authority, majesty, and character of His kingdom; approximately 42 months to convincingly display this vast, long-misunderstood realm of his Father. At the direction of his Father, then, he selects twelve very ordinary, very ill-prepared, men to be trained and equipped as prototype disciples for every generation of believers who will follow. We are they.

John 6:1-13

1. vv. 1-4 – No ________________________________________________wasted

2. vv. 5-9 – No ________________________________________________wasted

3. vv. 10-13 – No _____________________________________________ wasted

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