Open Hearts Required

September 8, 2024
In Jesus’ day, Jews anticipated the arrival of a militant, conquering hero, aka Messiah, to restore the political entity, aka kingdom, to Israel. Jesus, the true Messiah, came to guide…
For the law-keeping Jew, God was the fearsome, mountain-shaking Yahweh of history. To the wayward Jew, He was the all-patient One. To the forsaken Jew, God was the friend that…

Embracing Divine Mystery

August 21, 2022
What God has done; what we’ve become; what is ours; what is now our place of permanent belonging: these things stagger the imagination. All aspects of our salvation, our in-Christ…

A Beautiful Life

August 14, 2022
A consistent Bible theme: certain consequences for disobedience. It is illustrated from Eden, the people of Noah’s day, Abraham, Moses, David, the entire people of Israel, through to the New…