Finding Upside Right

May 5, 2019
In Matthew 11:28,29, Jesus encourages his followers to learn the unforced rhythms of grace, the true lifestyle of the Kingdom and the Trinity.
There's chaos and glory and mess and victory and pain and worship and loss and belonging and death and celebration always ebbing and flowing through this timeline called life. Our…

Dead or Alive

March 31, 2019
Choices. Choices. Choices. Already this morning we've made a few hundred of them, not least of which was 'get out of bed' or 'hit snooze.' Hundreds more will confront us before March runs its course tonight at midnight. Jesus' crucifixion/resurrection presents a choice that is stunning; a kind of 'get-out-of-death-and-into-life' (or 'stay dead') offer. Accepting it introduces us to life in a kingdom whose very atmosphere is one of unparalleled provision, peace, and promise.


December 30, 2018
Pastor Don talks about Christmas being the celebration of the cornerstone of our salvation.