Soaked to the Heart

June 14, 2020
All serious fishermen tell stories of being caught in the rain and getting soaked to the skin. Bringing fish home for dinner made any earlier discomfort worthwhile and increased bragging…
Even ‘hyperbole’, that witty literary device that deliberately exaggerates for effect, is left wanting when it comes to talking about the change that took place inside Jesus’ disciple/friends. And as…

Faith Waiting

May 24, 2020
Faith Waiting It’d been three days! Three very weird, frightening, tormented days. It seemed he’d really gone – even though the angel talked about Jesus’ eventual return. But the only…
Pity the poor, shock-wearied disciples! The path to victory and freedom and sovereign, national rulership bled out before their eyes in humiliating, cringe-worthy spectacle. They had collectively put all their…
Can you feature it? The biggest, most impressive, life-altering miracle ever. I mean, ever! And God does it on the sneak! Orchestrates a non-event: no witnesses, no reporters, no cameras,…

Got PPE*?

March 29, 2020
Onslaught. Outbreak. Warfare. Siege. Attack. Battle. Enemy. Pandemic. Suddenly, we find our conversations peppered with these words and others like them. They instigate fear, dread, anxiety. Our world is in…
Pastor Don preaches about the grace gift of eternal life, salvation, living out the fine print, old man, new man, sin enslaved, grace freed, lost, found, false self, true self, etc. There is always a before and an after. We are in the Kingdom, but barely in the kingdom. "Our false self is the compulsive, evil driven, old nature..." from the book, Spiritual Rhythms.