Rain, rain, go away . . .

Rain, rain, go away . . .

Knotted shoelaces, twisted garden hoses, snarled strings of Christmas lights, to name a few of life’s deepest mysteries. Well, OK, minor irritations. Let’s just say, any of these things at the start of the day is unwelcome, an interruption, a de-motivator. The one...
Days of Sweet Promise

Days of Sweet Promise

Would you consider the days we are living in right now to be tumultuous? I would. And Jesus’ disciples most certainly would have considered their days to be chaotic! I think they all would have been most grateful to be able to return to Jesus’ final words as recorded...
The best before and afters

The best before and afters

Hazarding a guess, I’d say there was no such thing as a normal day for Jesus’ disciples. They never knew what to expect, or if they were expecting a certain outcome for the day, they would end up confused. There was always, just waiting around the corner, another...
What’s on today’s agenda?

What’s on today’s agenda?

Deadline: historically, a line drawn around a prison beyond which prisoners would be shot. So, literally: a dead line. Today, somewhat less lethal, it indicates the final day, or minute, something must be completed. Our last house move, five years ago, had multiple...
Will it be noisy?

Will it be noisy?

Human beings love to be wowed, to be awestruck, to be rendered speechless, to be overcome by magnitude, precision, dexterity, creativity, sportsmanship, as in a fireworks display, a finely built piece of machinery, artisanship, athleticism, musicianship, wordsmithing....