What’s on today’s agenda?

What’s on today’s agenda?

Deadline: historically, a line drawn around a prison beyond which prisoners would be shot. So, literally: a dead line. Today, somewhat less lethal, it indicates the final day, or minute, something must be completed. Our last house move, five years ago, had multiple...
Will it be noisy?

Will it be noisy?

Human beings love to be wowed, to be awestruck, to be rendered speechless, to be overcome by magnitude, precision, dexterity, creativity, sportsmanship, as in a fireworks display, a finely built piece of machinery, artisanship, athleticism, musicianship, wordsmithing....
Clothed From On High

Clothed From On High

We’re probably all familiar with the story of the Emperor who had an ego/wardrobe problem. His subjects were mostly pre-convinced of the beauty of his new, exotic raiment and therefore unwilling to admit to the scandalous truth of his bared ‘royalty.’ The oohs and...
The promise of the seasons

The promise of the seasons

These days, at least in southeastern Virginia, nature has been putting on the annual color extravaganza with leaves flashing out from their varied shades of green into stunning reds, oranges, yellows, ochres, rusts, and burgundies. It never gets old, this glorious...
The truth is .  .  .

The truth is .  .  .

Eukaryotic, single-celled microorganisms are classified as members of the fungus kingdom. In dry form they are a pourable and granular powder made from millions of these dehydrated unicellular organisms. In formal, everyday settings, we refer to this substance as...