The high road or the low road?

The high road or the low road?

What a huge difference traveling by car as opposed to traveling by air! Air travel is done on an airline’s schedule: flight leaves 6 AM, arrive at airport 4 AM, leave home by 3 AM, get out of bed by 2 AM (or else!), pack carefully to fit in everything that will be...
Not a Brain Surgeon? Not a Problem!

Not a Brain Surgeon? Not a Problem!

I won’t overly burden you with my current reading, which is a 462-page book on the brain and the importance of interhemispheric information transfer facilitated by the corpus callosum. Plus, you may not have a burning desire to be informed about the brain’s...
Life, Then and Now

Life, Then and Now

A little sympathy, please. Life is, as promised, not always a walk in the park. But, if you are differently gifted, aka left-handed, the difficulties are multiplied. The right-handed majority lives blithely oblivious of the repeated indignities endured by their...
In Lieu of Flowers…

In Lieu of Flowers…

Of all possible topics to focus on, few are as likely to elicit as wide a range of responses as this: anything death related. On the one hand, there are those who are obsessed with it, wearing jewelry and/or tattoos of skulls, crossbones, skeletons, werewolves,...
What a Staggering Price!

What a Staggering Price!

Think about this! While we were wasting our lives in sin, God revealed his powerful love to us in a tangible display -the Anointed One died for us.’ That’s how the VOICE translates Romans 5:8. (the MESSAGE says ‘when we were of no use whatever to Him’). So, regardless...