Our Resurrection Too

Our Resurrection Too

How would you have described your reaction, had you been present when the resurrected Jesus first passed through the wall of the room where you were hiding? Terrified? Surprised? Shocked? Have many times would you come to repeat that story to others in the coming...
A Plan Comes Together

A Plan Comes Together

War and Peace (1225 pages), Atlas Shrugged (1168 pages), Trinity (800 pages), Ulysses (735 pages). These tomes find their place among the world’s longest books written. One doesn’t undertake their reading lightly. They are not stories to tackle while pre-occupied. The...
Don’t turn your computer off!

Don’t turn your computer off!

Several computer updates ago, when wanting to replace a word in a document I was working on, I would double-click to highlight the outgoing word, then retype with my desired word. Easy-peasy. With the current iteration, I double-click to highlight the word, but then...
What would you like to know?

What would you like to know?

Daddy, why is the sky blue? Mommy, where do babies come from? Daddy, are we almost there yet? Mommy, do you love me more than you love Billy? Daddy, why do you have itchy whiskers? Daddy, do you have a belly button, too? (yes) Why? And on and on and on. Little...
The Road Back

The Road Back

The most prominent characteristic of our God is total, endless, irrepressible joy. He expressed that joy in all aspects of Creation, the capstone of which is mankind whom He created in His image, that image of total, endless, irrepressible joy. He placed Adam in Eden,...