A Little Help from a Friend

A Little Help from a Friend

A frog becomes a prince, Cinderella becomes the belle of the ball, an ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan, the underdog comes out on top, an orphaned, Jewish girl in a foreign land becomes the Queen of Persia, a hillbilly family from the Ozarks moves to Beverly...
Every Life a Miracle

Every Life a Miracle

From parents to beach lifeguards to bodyguards to EMTs to medical personnel to Fire & Rescue to Search & Rescue, it is a common thread – preserve life and safety to whatever extent it is possible, many times putting the rescuers at great risk in the process....
Do I see palm trees up ahead?

Do I see palm trees up ahead?

Here in Virginia, one can almost guarantee hearing someone say: “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” But not this summer! This summer, it has been the heat. And not only in the US. Europe has been scorching hot these past few months, hotter than most have ever...
A Note from Pastor DON:

A Note from Pastor DON:

As the days move steadily onward in this season leading to Jesus’ sacrifice, the cruel, inevitable events get ominously closer for him. At the very same time, we find ourselves making our way through a Prayer Journey where the Father’s rescuing, unstoppable love for...
Graduate Training

Graduate Training

A few sunny days ago, my typically leisurely homeward-bound commute was extended by a traffic slowdown on the highway. As all three lanes slowed to about 20 mph, then to stop-and-go, it became evident that there had been an accident. Rather than get impatient with...