What’s on today’s agenda?

What’s on today’s agenda?

Deadline: historically, a line drawn around a prison beyond which prisoners would be shot. So, literally: a dead line. Today, somewhat less lethal, it indicates the final day, or minute, something must be completed. Our last house move, five years ago, had multiple...
The Week’s Synopsis

The Week’s Synopsis

It’s known throughout Christendom as Holy Week, with many branches of the church holding daily services to mark the final days of our Redeemer’s life on earth. To Jesus, though, it is Finals Week. The final visit to the temple has been made with chaos reigning and...
Every Life a Miracle

Every Life a Miracle

From parents to beach lifeguards to bodyguards to EMTs to medical personnel to Fire & Rescue to Search & Rescue, it is a common thread – preserve life and safety to whatever extent it is possible, many times putting the rescuers at great risk in the process....
Do you smell what I smell?

Do you smell what I smell?

In an office where I once worked, the purchasing agent refused to see sales reps in the afternoon, because he couldn’t abide the essence of garlic oozing from their pores if they had eaten some at lunch. Coming inside after sitting around a campfire enjoying s’mores,...
Not a Brain Surgeon? Not a Problem!

Not a Brain Surgeon? Not a Problem!

I won’t overly burden you with my current reading, which is a 462-page book on the brain and the importance of interhemispheric information transfer facilitated by the corpus callosum. Plus, you may not have a burning desire to be informed about the brain’s...