The size of our fight

The size of our fight

In a few densely packed, carefully chosen words, Jesus spoke a powerful and life-altering reality: his disciples (us, therefore) would be in the world but not of it, in the same way he was not of it (in John 17). Every generation of believers since that prayer was...
Old, but always new

Old, but always new

Did you know? In California, it is illegal for women drivers to be wearing their housecoats; there is to be no moth hunting under streetlamps; no wearing of cowboy boots is allowed unless you own cows? And in Texas, if you sit on a sidewalk, you will be fined, or for...
Clothed From On High

Clothed From On High

We’re probably all familiar with the story of the Emperor who had an ego/wardrobe problem. His subjects were mostly pre-convinced of the beauty of his new, exotic raiment and therefore unwilling to admit to the scandalous truth of his bared ‘royalty.’ The oohs and...
Rudolph Who’s Rudolph?

Rudolph Who’s Rudolph?

WARNING: Risk of pre-season traumatic trembling. Recently, I’ve seen Christmas-themed advertising, complete with smiling faces and bow-wrapped parcels. For many, if not most, it’s too early to think about such things, with all that that entails. But there it is. Maybe...
Good Advice for Today, Tomorrow and…

Good Advice for Today, Tomorrow and…

NB – In the interest of being one who practices what he preaches (that is, being first and doing second) I’m letting Jesus speak to us today as translated by Eugene Peterson in The MESSAGE (Matthew chapter 6). “If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it...