Way better than good!

Way better than good!

Our society is in a season of weeping and wailing and gnashing its teeth at God. He’s mightily fallen out of favor because of His perfection, His ownership of absolute truth, His being so audacious as to declare that even His love is irreproachable! Wiggle room? Nope....
Where do we look?

Where do we look?

You watch/read/listen to, your news source of choice. Can you remember the last time the information you took in left you refreshed and satisfied and thinking: Ahh! The Prince of Peace is having His day!? Me either. There are, regularly served up for us, breaking news...
Good Question!

Good Question!

On this brilliantly sunshiny Tuesday, life is good, and simple, and easy, right? OK, awesome/brilliant. Since we’re fresh from a good night’s sleep, and we’ve already had an intake of our favorite caffeine source (at our house the coffee’s on a timer so it’s ready by...
The Present as Present

The Present as Present

It’s what’s after the big move, with the boxing and planning and repairing and cleaning and shuffling and decluttering and staging and coping with an ever-emptying house and ever-disappearing essentials (but once that box is taped shut, ain’t nobody opening it). It’s...