To Capture a Thought

To Capture a Thought

Once upon a time in a world long ago, one could hear the gentle request: ‘A penny for your thoughts.’ I’m not sure how much inflation has impacted that amount, or if there is a today version of it, but when someone asks that of me, I often find myself drawing a blank,...
The New Year in Review

The New Year in Review

It’s inspiring to spend time with someone focused on a big goal. A big goal quietly excludes many lesser ones. Bodybuilders avoid empty carbs. Solo musicians carve out large chunks of time daily for practice. Olympic athletes likewise devote massive amounts of...
Jesus Rules!

Jesus Rules!

To be sure, there are bumper stickers to suit every taste, and Sunday, on our way home from lunch after church, we saw a new one which read: ‘Cool! This calls for a spreadsheet!’ One instantly wonders about the person who chose it. While I might surmise we have little...
With Our Minds Stayed on Jesus

With Our Minds Stayed on Jesus

As we glide into port on this ultimate day of 2022, it is quite possible that our souls, like the hulls of ships, have gotten heavily barnacled, and need to be freed up. A quick dip into this topic explains that these tiny crustaceans attach themselves by secreting a...
“.  .  . and we’re off!”

“. . . and we’re off!”

‘Be careful what you ask for!’ How many times have you heard that warning? There are, I am sure, times in all our lives when we’ve paid the price for want of caution. But I am proposing a re-write for the New Year, a variation on the theme: ‘Be daring in what you ask...