Don’t turn your computer off!

Don’t turn your computer off!

Several computer updates ago, when wanting to replace a word in a document I was working on, I would double-click to highlight the outgoing word, then retype with my desired word. Easy-peasy. With the current iteration, I double-click to highlight the word, but then...
A Cup of Water

A Cup of Water

It’s the nightmare of every host and hostess. A request for more food or more to drink – but there isn’t any more! (that’s why we usually over-compensate by an over-abundance, just to be sure it doesn’t happen on our watch!) If it’s the fourth day of Jewish wedding...
Every Life a Miracle

Every Life a Miracle

From parents to beach lifeguards to bodyguards to EMTs to medical personnel to Fire & Rescue to Search & Rescue, it is a common thread – preserve life and safety to whatever extent it is possible, many times putting the rescuers at great risk in the process....